An upset stomach or abdominal pain is usually caused by inflammation of the stomach lining and intestines, often due to viral or bacterial infections. In most cases, it can be managed at home, but IF SYMPTOMS BECOME SEVERE OR PERSIST, MEDICAL ATTENTION MAY BE NECESSARY.
Common symptoms of upset stomach:
- cramping or abdominal pain
- nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea, loose stools, or frequent bowel movements
- headache or body aches
- fatigue
- chills, with or without fever
Managing stomach aches at home:
- During the first 24 to 36 hours, stick to a clear liquid diet in small, frequent amounts.
- Stay hydrated by drinking enough fluids to keep your urine light yellow or clear.
- If you vomit, start with small sips of water or suck on ice chips. Once tolerated, try other fluids like rehydration salts, sports drinks, diluted juices (apple or grape but avoid citrus), clear soup broth or bouillon, decaffeinated tea.
- If fluids are tolerated, slowly introduce bland solid foods such as white toast (with honey or jelly), soda crackers, plain white rice, or bananas, while continuing to focus on hydration
- Avoid dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream), spicy, greasy, or fatty foods, whole grains, raw vegetables, alcohol & caffeine.
It may take several days to a week to regain your appetite, energy, and normal digestion. Take it slow!
Ref: Accessed February 2025.
The article written above is for informational and educational purposes only. For serious medical and health concerns, please consult a licensed health provider.